Belcci in Belarus
BelCCI is a voluntary association of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The BelCCI is a non-governmental non-profit organization created to promote the development of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Belarus, integrate its economy into the world economic system, and create favorable conditions for strengthening foreign economic relations business entities with foreign partners.
Main objectives
Assisting in the development of foreign economic relations of business entities with foreign partners, increasing the export of Belarusian goods (works, services), attracting foreign investments to the national economy.
Providing practical assistance to business entities in the development of the production of competitive products, conducting trade operations in foreign markets.
Representation and protection of interests of members of a chamber of commerce and industry in the implementation of foreign economic activity both in Belarus and in foreign countries.
Development and strengthening of relations with chambers of commerce and industry, associations, unions of entrepreneurs and other non-governmental organizations of foreign states.
Dissemination of information on the export, industrial, scientific and technical potential of Belarus, on national legislation in the field of foreign economic activity, on the customs and rules of international trade.
Carrying out consultative and informational activities on research and development of foreign markets, search for foreign partners in foreign economic cooperation, assistance in establishing contacts with business entities of Belarus.
Improving the system of training and internships for specialists in foreign economic activities.
Organization of international and national exhibitions and fairs.
Performing certain functions assigned to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry by legislation.
Managing bodies
The Congress elects a Council of the BelCCI which arranges the implementation of the Congress’s decisions and elects a presidium and chairman of the BelСCI. The presidium is an executive body exercising current management thereof within periods between the Congresses and sessions of the Council of the BelCCI. The Presidium is ruled by the Chairman of the BelCCI, the members of it are vice-chairmen of the BelCCI.