Belarus imposes food embargo on goods from EU, US and other countries

As of 1 January, Belarus imposes a food embargo on a range of goods in response to sanctions, in line with Decision No. 700 of the Council of Ministers of 6 December 2021 "On the application of special measures in relation to certain types of goods".

According to the ruling, the food embargo applies to a number of products from EU countries, as well as the US, Canada, Norway, Albania, Iceland, Northern Macedonia, the UK, Montenegro and Switzerland.

The list of prohibited goods includes pork, beef and meat products, a number of by-products, milk and dairy products, with some exceptions, vegetables other than those intended for sowing, fruit, nuts, animal fats, confectionery and salt.

The embargo will not apply to products imported for personal consumption, as well as baby food and some other products. 

The full list of prohibited products includes: 

  • live pigs; 
  • meat of cattle, fresh or chilled 
  • meat of cattle, frozen; 
  • fresh, chilled or frozen pork; 
  • edible offal from cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or horses, fresh, chilled or frozen;
  • meat and edible offal of poultry, fresh, chilled or frozen
  • fat of pigs, segregated from lean meat and fat of poultry;
  • meat salted, brined, dried or smoked;
  • edible flour of meat or meat offal;
  • milk and milk products, except for specialised lactose-free milk, specialised lactose-free milk products  products for dietetic therapeutic and preventive nutrition
  • vegetables, excluding those intended for sowing;
  • fruits and nuts;
  • fat of pigs and poultry 
  • fat of cattle, sheep or goats
  • lard and other animal oils;
  • sausages and similar products; 
  • confectionery products; 
  • salt. 


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