EAEU prime ministers approve Eurasian Agro Express project to speed up food delivery

The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council today adopted an order at a meeting in Nur-Sultan to support the implementation of the Eurasian Economic Union's joint Eurasian Agro-Express railway and multimodal transport project.

The project aims to increase and diversify mutual supplies and exports of agricultural products and foodstuffs.

At the first stage, regular shipments outside the EAEU will be organised in two directions - to China and Uzbekistan, and back, explained Andrey Slepnev, member of the EEC Board (Minister) for Trade. In the future, sales routes may be extended to other countries in the Asian and European regions. Regularity of transportation will allow to create rates that are competitive in terms of sea freight, as well as to reduce the delivery time (up to 10-14 days in China and 4-7 days in Uzbekistan). In addition, all the necessary infrastructure - a well-functioning logistics supply chain - is envisaged.

The EEC minister specified that this referred to deliveries of oil and fats, dairy, meat, fruit and vegetables and prepared food products, as well as other foodstuffs, with a focus on marginal products.

The implementation of the joint project envisages the possibility of launching two full container trains per week along the route Belarus - Russia - Kyrgyzstan -  Kazakhstan - China, including trains with refrigerated containers for frozen products. Thus, the monthly volume of shipments in the direction of China may amount to about 10,000 tonnes.


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