Minsk Motor Plant has developed a gas-powered engine model

The Minsk Motor Plant (MMP) has developed the MMZ-262CNG gas piston engine model based on the D-262 diesel engine.

The compressed natural gas-fuelled gas engine project is being implemented in close cooperation with a company from Tatarstan. "The ambitious task was launched at the beginning of 2019. It was decided that Minsk Motor Plant would be responsible for the mechanical component of the engine design, while the company from Tatarstan, which has extensive experience in converting diesel engines into gas engines, would be responsible for the gas equipment and application work to bring the engine up to the required performance.

The coordinated work of the partners paid off. The new MMZ-262CNG engine is designed for installation on cars, tractors, combines, loaders and other equipment," the press service said.

The first prototypes of the engine are now being produced, and the tests are being carried out on the test bench and in-service

During the recent visit to the GasSuf-2021 international exhibition of gas filling, gas filling equipment and NGV vehicles in Moscow, Igor Anushkevich, MMP Technical Director, and Mikhail Klesso, Chief Designer, negotiated with the management of a Russian company (Tatarstan).

They discussed the progress of bench and performance testing of the gas piston engine MMZ-262CNG, issues of its certification and production of a pilot batch. Representatives of the Tatarstan company expressed their desire to order the first batch of gas-piston engines from MMP with a production deadline of the first quarter of 2022.

At the GasSuf-2021 exhibition, talks were also held with representatives of companies from Italy and the Republic of Korea, manufacturers of compressor equipment for the oil and gas industry, in order to deliver compressor equipment for equipping the test centre, where tests of gas engines are planned.

At a meeting with representatives of a Russian company producing collapsible heat exchangers, they discussed possible applications for these products as part of MMP engines.



At the 20th International Trade Fair for Industrial Pumps, Compressors and Pipe Fittings, Drives and Engines (Moscow), Igor Anushkevich and Michael Clesso were introduced to the exhibits of renowned global diesel engineering firms

The directions of movement in the field of design development at the level of leading manufacturers were defined.

The Minsk Motor Plant is a manufacturer of modern diesel, gas-diesel and gas-fired engines. It specialises in the development, design and manufacture of modern three-, four-, six- and eight-cylinder engines. The plant manufactures more than 100 modifications in the power range from 7 kW to 330 kW, designed for installation on agricultural, road-building machinery, cars and buses, power plants, compressors and other units.

MMP engines are supplied to assembly lines of 49 enterprises in Belarus, CIS and non-CIS countries, the products are sold to more than 50 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and Latin America.

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