01 Jun, 2021
 TIBO Forum, platform for the exchange of good ICT practices

TIBO Forum, platform for the exchange of good ICT practices


  • June 1-4, 2021
  • Minsk, Belarus
  • www.tibo.by

The TIBO Forum is a unique platform for exchanging good practices in the use of ICTs, reviewing world’s good practices in digital transformation and discussing prospects for the efficient use of latest technology trends in traditional sectors of the economy.

At the large-scale TIBO exposition, local and foreign leading companies demonstrate latest achievements of the IT industry, technology innovations and ready-made solutions for production sectors in the Belarusian and global markets.

The TIBO Forum is an efficient dialogue platform for discussing pressing issues of economic cooperation in the face of global challenges and joint development of strategic decisions at the country level, level of business and professional communities, as well as IT-knowledge dissemination in the society and engagement of the youth into digital transformation processes.

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