26 May, 2022
First Eurasian Economic Forum

First Eurasian Economic Forum


Over 2,500 people from 15 countries have registered to participate in the First Eurasian Economic Forum, which will start on 26 May in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Thus, the forum will become one of the largest business events of the EAEU after a forced break due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The forum will include about 35 events. The forum includes a plenary session with the participation of heads of state of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as 21 thematic sessions. In the run-up to the forum, rectors of EEU universities, as well as heads of energy, transport, and customs agencies of the Union are expected to meet.

Some 10 memoranda and agreements are expected to be signed at the forum.

An exhibition of the best EAEU agro-industrial products will be organised as part of the forum. The exposition of the Union's products will create additional incentives to increase the competitiveness of EAEU goods and promote mutual trade and export of the Union's goods.



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