Belarusian Chamber COVID-19 vaccines

Over 400,000 Belarusians sign up for COVID-19 vaccines

As of early May 2021, more than 400,000 people signed up in healthcare organizations of the country to get a vaccine against the coronavirus, said Irina Glinskaya, the deputy chief physician of the National Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.

“The number of those wishing to be vaccinated is big today. In order to achieve the goal, we would like to see more active vaccination, but all countries have their own opportunities,” said Irina Glinskaya.

According to her, more than 296,000 people in Belarus have received the first shot of the vaccine against the coronavirus and more than 137,000 are now fully vaccinated.

The Healthcare Ministry has prepared an information campaign to encourage people to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. For example, social commercials will be broadcast on television. They are aimed at both the conscious formation of individual immunity and the creation of collective immunity. “The main message of the whole campaign is that by protecting yourself, you are making a personal contribution to stop the coronavirus pandemic,” said Irina Glinskaya.

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