TIBO 2021

Online trade tool to be showcased at TIBO 2021 technology expo

The mechanism to carry out foreign trade transactions online through the website export.by will be shown at the 27th international forum on information and communications technologies TIBO 2021.

“Our center's main exhibit at the forum will be the export.by website, which is the marketplace of the Republic of Belarus. This year, the TIBO participants and visitors will be shown how to make foreign trade transactions online through export.by using an electronic digital signature. This solution was developed by the National Center for Marketing to facilitate trade with non-resident companies of Belarus,” the press service noted.

The center explained that the export.by website is a tool for non-financial support of foreign economic activity of Belarus; it provides the necessary services for conducting trade operations and promotes the country's exports. About 7,000 companies, including foreign ones, and more than 21,000 commodities, services and technologies are currently represented on the platform. Registration of Belarusian companies on the website is free of charge.

“In accordance with the decision of the government working group on preparations for EXPO 2020, the export.by website will also be used as an electronic catalog of Belarusian goods and services at the World Expo in Dubai,” the marketing center added.

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