Artificial intelligence

Newcomer to China-Belarus Great Stone park will focus on artificial intelligence

A new resident company of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone will develop solutions in the field of artificial intelligence.

The new resident company was registered in the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone as the Sino-Belarusian Eurasian Academy LLC (China). The company will do research in the field of complex systems and artificial intelligence, will develop unmanned autonomous control technology. The company has plans to collaborate with the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and Belarusian State University.

The China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone is a special economic zone with a special legal regime. It is located 25km away from Minsk. The park's priority development areas include mechanical engineering, electronics and telecommunications, biotechnologies, pharmaceutics, new materials, logistics, digital commerce, big data storage and processing.

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