Common organic farming market

A common organic farming market is to be launched in the EAEU by 2025

The Eurasian Economic Union is planning to launch the common organic farming market by 2025, Iya Malkina, Aide to the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), told a briefing for the press in Moscow on 21 July.

Iya Malkina recalled that at its recent meeting the EEC Council approved the draft roadmap for the common organic farming market in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). "Once the roadmap is okayed by the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, we will start working on the planned activities in 2021-2025," she said.

The roadmap provides for the development of a draft international treaty to ensure the free movement of organic agricultural products in the EAEU. The EEC, together with the authorized bodies of the EAEU member states, will prepare proposals for harmonizing the legal requirements of the EAEU states for production and labeling of organic agricultural products and ensuring mutual recognition of conformity assessment documents. Plans are in place to draw up proposals for a unified register of accredited certification bodies and producers, official statistical information on the production and circulation of organic agricultural products in the EAEU member states.

“The organic farming market is open to all agricultural producers. The decision to switch to organic farming is made by companies on a voluntary basis,” Iya Malkina said.

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