Hi-Tech Park

62 companies became new HTP residents

The Supervisory Board of the Hi-Tech Park decided to register 62 companies as HTP residents.

"The newcomers come from a variety of sectors, including financial technology, e-commerce, gaming, logistics and mining. Ten companies with foreign capital have become HTP residents, including five development centres".

Braavo Development, for example, plans to develop and promote the Braavo alternative investment web platform. "Tripledot by" will carry out work on the design, development, modification, testing, technical support, and further maintenance of mobile games.

Three companies from Cyprus also came to HTP at once.

In addition, among the new residents is MediaMeter, which operates under the technology of the British company Kantar. The scope of activity is to provide information services on viewer and listener preferences of TV and radio media audiences by creating and using a system for measuring TV and radio audiences, as well as creating its own system for recording and monitoring the performance of peoplemeters.

As noted by the park, the companies coming to HTP mostly operate on a bespoke and product-based business model. However, there is still a trend towards start-ups, with more than half of the newcomers registered in 2020-2021.

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