The number of visitors to Expo 2020 in Dubai is approaching one million

According to the organisers, as of 17 October, the number of ticketed visits stood at 771,477.

Moreover, the data was recorded before the holiday weekend marking the Prophet Mohammed's birthday. The number of visitors is expected to rise significantly afterwards.

The pavilions of India, Italy, UAE, Saudi Arabia, USA and Switzerland are the most popular at the moment

Belarus' national pavilion at Expo 2020 began its work at the end of September.

The key theme of the Belarusian pavilion, which can be visited until 31 March 2022, is "The Forest of Future Technologies".

The exposition is divided into several zones: the interactive corridor,, Innovation and Investment, Doors to Belarus, Sport and Tourism, the souvenir shop and the entertainment zone.

Key elements of the pavilion's program include the National Day of Belarus, Belarusian Investment Forum, Day of Tourism, Science, as well as Days of Belarus and Minsk regions with performances by famous Belarusian folk music and dance ensembles.

According to Belinterexpo, during the first 10 days Expo 2020 has attracted more than 400 thousand visitors, 100 thousand of whom visited the exhibition twice, 30 thousand - three times.

Every day until March 31, 2022, 60 events will be held at the exhibition

These include presentations of innovations, national culture days, master classes, business forums, conferences on architecture, climate change, gender equality, energy security of the Earth, documentary film screenings, and meetings with startup founders from different countries.


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