Food assortment of 80 Belarusian producers presented in Moscow

More than 80 Belarusian food processing companies with the widest range of products are represented at the 2022 Prodexpo  international exhibition which opened in Moscow on 8 February. 

Prodexpo is the largest international food and drink exhibition in Russia and Eastern Europe. This year, it takes place from 7 to 11 February. Food from all over the world is on show: from basic everyday products and drinks to gourmet delicacies, as well as organic, sports nutrition, nutrition for a healthy lifestyle, halal, kosher, exotic products, and alcoholic beverages. Prodexpo hosts the launch of new products, brands and trademarks. Each year, the exhibition presents up to 14% of new products. Prodexpo brings together buyers from federal and local chains, strategic customers of the food industry in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union countries, and representatives of restaurants, bars and cafes.


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