Gomselmash to exhibit agricultural machinery in Tatarstan

Gomselmash will present its agricultural machinery at the TatAgroExpo 2022 specialised agricultural exhibition.

The forum will be held on 24-25 February in Kazan. Gomselmash plans to exhibit grain harvesters, a self-propelled mower and a forage harvester. Representatives of local businesses and relevant agencies will be able to learn first-hand about the advantages and technological functionality of each machine.

Gomselmash Holding Company is one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery, one of the world market leaders in combines and other complex agricultural machinery. The company manufactures a range of grain and forage harvesters, corn and potato harvesters, mowers and other agricultural machinery.

Gomselmash harvesters operate in the fields of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Argentina, Brazil, China, the Republic of Korea and the Baltic states. The company has a wide distribution network, joint ventures and assembly plants.


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