Assistance in Catalonia to submitting documents to the Belarusian consulate in Madrid

With the agreement of the Consulate of the Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Spain is starting to provide services to prepare and send documentation to Madrid.

The main purpose of these services is to facilitate the submission of documents to the consulate, helping to collect, complete and send them without the need to travel to Madrid for Belarusian nationals, where this is acceptable.

 The documents will be checked and sent as soon as possible (one to three days) and the cost will depend on the type of service:

  • Examination of documentation without shipment / Shipment of documentation without examination €50 plus VAT
  • Examination of documents with urgent delivery €95 plus VAT
  • Preparation and examination of documentation without shipment €75 plus VAT


Contact us

Plaça Francesc Macià 7, 17th Floor 08029 Barcelona, Spain

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Belarusian Chamber of Commerce
Embajada de la República de Belarús en Reino de España
SF Abogados