Belarus extends food embargo on goods from the EU and other countries until the end of the year

Belarus has extended the food embargo on goods from Western countries until the end of the year. This is regulated by Resolution No. 412 of the Council of Ministers of 27 June 2022.

The document extends from 30 June to 31 December 2022 inclusive the effect of clauses 1 and 3-5 of government decree No. 700 of 6 December 2021 On the application of special measures against certain types of goods, which regulates the imposition of a food embargo on a wide range of goods produced in the European Union, the United States of America, Canada, Norway, Albania, Iceland, Northern Macedonia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Montenegro and Switzerland. The ban was supposed to last six months, but with the entry into force of Decree No. 412, this period is extended until the end of the year.

The list of prohibited goods includes pigs, cattle meat, pork, some by-products, salted, brined, dried or smoked meat, meal made from meat or meat by-products, milk and dairy products (with certain exceptions), vegetables other than those intended for sowing, fruit and nuts, pig and poultry fat, fat of cattle, sheep or goats, lard-stearin and other animal oils, sausages and similar products, confectionery, salt and other goods.

The document is available in Russian at the following link



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