Growth of Belarusian dairy exports: new horizons and key markets

In 2024, Belarus achieved significant growth in the export of dairy products, increasing the volume of shipments by 35% compared to 2023. Through the Belarus Universal Commodity Exchange (BUCE), more than 181,000 tonnes of dairy products were traded, almost nine times more than the previous year.

The traditional export markets remain the CIS countries, but demand from China, Mongolia, the United Arab Emirates, Serbia, Singapore and Turkey has also increased significantly. In particular, dairy exports to China doubled in 2024.

Key drivers of export growth

  • Expansion of trade relations. New agreements have been signed with Chinese and Middle Eastern importers.
  • Rising dairy prices. In the fourth quarter of 2024, the average price of skimmed milk powder for export increased by 12%.
  • High quality standards. Belarusian dairy products have international certifications, making them highly competitive on the global market.
  • Efficient trading mechanisms. BUCE continues to increase the volume of export transactions, facilitating Belarusian producers' access to new markets.

According to BUCE data, by 2025 the export growth trend is expected to continue and the geography of shipments is expected to expand with new trading partners.


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