Business cooperation between Belarus and Spain: Results of the trade mission in Madrid

From 3 to 5 March, Madrid hosted a mission organised by the Representation of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Spain. This event marked an important step in strengthening economic ties between the two countries, bringing together more than 20 Belarusian companies with their potential Spanish partners.

New business opportunities

Spain is not only an advanced economy, but also a strategic market with ample possibilities for cooperation. According to the Director of the Representation of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce in Spain, Belarusian companies offer competitive solutions in key sectors such as the food industry, mechanical engineering and information technology.

During the meetings, topics such as certification, logistics and the adaptation of products to the requirements of the European market were discussed. Particular interest was shown in environmentally friendly packaging solutions and software for retail automation.

Negotiations and first results

The meetings took place in a professional and close atmosphere, which facilitated the conclusion of concrete agreements. The first shipment of Belarusian eco-packaging to Barcelona is expected in April, while an IT company from Grodno signed a preliminary agreement for a chain of shops in Valencia.

As a result of the mission, five memoranda of cooperation were signed and ten more contracts are under negotiation, confirming the growing interest in Belarusian products and technologies on the Spanish market.

Cultural exchange as a basis of trust

The event also included moments of informal interaction that strengthened trust between the business partners. Belarusian entrepreneurs offered specialities such as draniki and kramambuliya, while their Spanish colleagues invited them to taste ham and sangria.

Next steps

The Representation of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Spain will continue to promote the development of business contacts. In the future, Belarusian companies will participate in an international trade fair in Barcelona in autumn 2025, as well as further business meetings.

Interested companies can contact the Representation for more information and advice on accessing the Spanish market.

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Plaça Francesc Macià 7, 17th Floor 08029 Barcelona, Spain

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Belarusian Chamber of Commerce
Embajada de la República de Belarús en Reino de España
SF Abogados